Completed a grant-funded follow-up study with participants from the 2012-13 pilot cohort.
Development of a database of over 3000 related scholarly literature items to support analytical and dissemination activities.
Preparing a scholar-practitioner text with chapters written by Drs. Laker & Boas alongside guest chapters and short "stories from the field" contributions reporting on this research and its implications. The text is under contract with a major academic publisher and anticipated to be available in Spring, 2024 (see publications page for more information).
Conducting follow-up interviews (video-based) with participants from 2012-2017 (now 28-37 years old)
Conducting video-based interviews with student peer educators and advocates engaged in work on gender-based violence prevention and/or response at their respective postsecondary institutions.
Consulting and Training engagements with several postsecondary institutions and professional organizations.
Launching an allied study, "Raising Consent: Parents of College Students Share Their Sexual Consent Experiences and Perspectives" during the 2023-24 academic year (IRB-approved).
Continuing our ConsentStories™ study with college students representing a diversity of gender and sexuality identities and sexual practices.
Preparing Grant Applications to expand the study.
Organizing a a national community of practice to support consent education programs.
Developing a ConsentStories™ study with couples and poly partners.
Development of Social Action Theater Scripts and Peer Education Curricula.